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Part 2 - Sen2Cor processor
Sen2Cor performs atmospheric correction on Sentinel 2 L1C images to produce Bottom-of-Atmosphere reflectances products (L2A). Developed by Telespazio/DLR for ESA Reference: http://step.esa.int/main/third-party-plugins-2/sen2cor/
In the previous part, we add a Sentinel 2 L1C images in "my Data" (over Venice). This image will be used as an input for Sen2Cor processor in order to get a L2A product. The following steps will show you how to run the processor and retrieve the output in your "basket".
1. Go to the processors panel.
Select SEN2COR processor and click on the "arrow button".
2. A dialog box will appear.
Select the inputs (here S2-L1C products) and the different parameters (resolution, classification...).
Click on Execute.
3. After few minutes the processing is done.
4. To see your results, please go to the next part.
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